Vic Fingerhut
Political / Public Issues / Non-Candidate Public Policy
Federal Political Issues and Message Polling (Canadian Labour Congress – 2006 Federal Election)
Nationwide Campaign against Congressman Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” (polling and national radio and TV campaign, funded by 10 major U.S. unions)
Campaign against Governor Pataki’s Proposed Health Care Cutbacks in New York State (Client: 1199 National Health and Human Services Union)
Message Surveys of Swing States in 2004 U.S. Presidential Election (Client: International Association of Machinists (IAM))
U.S. National Message Survey in Final Days of 1988 Presidential Campaign (Client: 3 major U.S. unions -- IAM, Steelworkers (USWA), United Auto Workers)
National Trade Policy Issues – 1990-2006 (Various surveys for USWA, IAM, Communications Workers of America (CWA), among others)
U.S. National Healthcare Issues and Messaging (Client: American Association of Retired Persons)
New York State (and City) Political, General Economic and Healthcare Issues Polls and TV campaigns (Client: 1199/SEIU, 1985 - present)
California (Statewide) Surveys on Privacy and Consumer Issues (2004-2006) (Client: Consumer Federation of California)
British Columbia Anti-Service Cutback Campaigns (British Colombia Government Employees Union)
Americans for Democratic Action (Polling on National Political Issues and Messaging)
Environmental Action (successful “Dirty Dozen” radio campaigns against anti-environmental congressmen) New York, California, Ohio (and other states) Surveys on Utility Rates Issue
Wilderness Society (environmental issues)
U.S. League of Women Voters (education policy issues)
New Jersey Anti-Privatization Campaigns – polling and media (Client: New Jersey CWA)
U.S. National Pension Protection Issues (Client: American Flight Attendants Union/CWA)
National and Statewide Surveys on Electric Power Deregulation
U.S. National Aviation Policy Issues (Client: Allied Pilots Association)
New York Transportation Issues (Client: Amalgamated Transportation Union (ATU))
Pennsylvania Transportation Issues (Client: Transport Workers Union (TWU))
Connecticut Health Care Issues (statewide) (Client: Conn. State Council – SEIU)
Political Issues and Message Testing (various state, county and local Democratic parties)
National Hispanic PAC (political attitudes of Latino voters – nationwide)
Statewide Surveys (California) on Hospital Staffing Ratios and Other Healthcare Issues
U.S. National Immigration Issues (County Executives of America)
Pennsylvania (statewide), California (statewide), and various other statewide tax issue referenda (Defeated Howard Jarvis’ supposedly unbeatable Proposition 9 Tax “Reform” measure)